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Khantapara High School.
Khantapara High School.

PTM meeting is going to be held on dt. 13/01/2024.

PTM meeting is going to be held on dt. 13/01/2024.

Annual Function is going to be held on dt. 20/12/2023 (Wednesday).

Annual Function is going to be held on dt. 20/12/2023 (Wednesday).


PTM meeting is going to be held on dt. 22.11.2023

PTM meeting is going to be held on dt. 22.11.2023

Class IX Half Yearly Exam Result 2023 Coming soon.

Class IX Half Yearly Exam Result 2023 Coming soon.

Class X Half Yearly Exam Result 2023

Class X Half Yearly Exam Result 2023

Cluster Level Suravi Program

Cluster level Suravi Program is going to be held on 29.09.2023 at Khantapara Govt. High school.

Class-X IT & Electronics Practical

Class-X IT & Electronics Practical is going to be held on 10-10-2023.

Formation of SMC Meeting

Formation of SMC meeting is going to be held on dt. 16/10/23(Monday) at School premises.